Monday, 18 April 2011

Welcome to BK's Babylon

Hello and welcome to BK's Babylon, Babylon is a reference to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and its context will become clearer in the coming weeks. This blog will focus on plants, gardens and landscapes in my backyard and the area in which I live - Windsor.

But for today I will be introducing you to some of the green guys who I see on a daily basis, this is my garden.....

So lets start with a before shot, not a great picture because it was taken at night but you get the idea, not much of anything really, a Schinus molle (Peppercorn tree) in the top left, a tiny thing in the fence corner and some dirt and stuff. Oh and a guy in a hammock with a beer, yes that's me.

As a renter who would eventually have to move I decided to start taking cuttings and planting them to try and get  at least some green in the back yard. So here is the garden as it is today. Its not fantastic, but its green all year round and and is 100% on what was here before.

Now, lets take a close look at some of the individuals that make up my garden.

The Schinus molle fell over during a windy Melbourne day and had to be chopped down, it was a sad day as I lost my hammock hanging spot. However apparently trees are amazingly resilient and out of the trunk that was left it started growing stems and leaves again. You can see it in the top left corner of the above picture and a close up below, yes that is growing out of a trunk that is about 50cm high.

Next we have some Cordylines and a Birds nest fern, I planted the two Cordylines about a year and a half ago, they are growing slowly.

A few succulents, "Spike" the cactus is almost as tall as the fence and flowered this year, which was a first. Not sure how I will eventually move him as he is quite top heavy, and needs constant support.

A crop of chillis, has been really good getting fresh ones off the plant this summer.

Rosemary and Thyme, a couple of my essential herbs for cooking.

Well I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of my backyard green space and remember to check back regularly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben, Iv'e really enjoyed reading your blog, I love the pics and the little self watering system, step by step explanantion i always said you were clever. Smashed it!
